The Villager Edition 6

2024 is off to a great start. We have completed the roofing project for this year by replacing the four oldest roofs on buildings 102, 103, 107 and 109. Electrical Inspections have been completed on all 15 buildings and the clubhouse and we have wind mitigation reports on all 15 buildings and clubhouse.

Make sure you receive all association communications by making sure the office has your correct email address. You can do this by sending an email to Terry Jamison, our office manager at asking her to update your email address.

Board Meetings: Our next board meeting is Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 10:00 am in the Clubhouse.

Cedar Pointe Village Six Website:

Board member and Association Secretary, Betty Warrick, has continued to update our website.

You can now complete a Work Order and Unit Owners Request Form (UORF) directly on our website. When you have completed it, click the

Send button and it is directed to the office email address.

Click here to access the website.

The password to access the Owner’s Page is Pointe2020

First Quarter Changes: The first quarter of 2024 has encountered a significant number of changes in our community. Former board member and Treasurer, Terry Jamison, is now our office manager. Bob MacNamee is the new maintenance man. Starting March 21, 2024, we will have a part time  CAM/Property Manager Rob (Robert) who will be on-site 10 hours a week. Rob will oversee the maintenance side of our community.

Vacancies on the Board of Directors:

All owners are eligible to be board members. Currently we have a couple openings on our board. If you are interested in serving your community, please email the office at a letter of intent to join the board. It will be placed on the next agenda.

TIPS you should know:

Items You Should NOT put in your garbage disposal or down the drain.

Coffee Grounds – they’re densely packed and almost paste like. You’ll end up with a pile up of GUNKY sediment in the pipes;

Egg Shells – these grind up into pebble size and with the membrane of the shell turn into paste like substance and clogs drains.

Fibrous or Stringy AND Starchy Fruits and Vegetables – the fibrous strands tangle around your disposal’s grinder. Examples of fibrous fruits and vegetables: celery, asparagus, banana peels, corn husks and rhubarb. The starchy vegetables to avoid are potatoes, and beans.

The starchy vegetables turn into a paste like substance and clog drains.

Grease, Oil & Fat – although they look like liquid when poured down the drain, they congeal with time and cause major blockage in your drain.

Rice, Pasta, Breads – include oats and grains with these items. These items absorb water and expand, creating a paste like substance that clogs drains.


NOTE: residents who create clogged drains are responsible to clear said clogs via a licensed, insured plumber.



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