The Villager Edition 7

Board Meetings: Our board meetings are held on the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month. During the summer months, we may skip a month or two because it slows down quite a bit. All board meetings are posted 48 hours prior to the meeting on the main bulletin board in the clubhouse and a courtesy posting on each building bulletin board near the mailboxes. There will not be a board meeting in June or August UNLESS there is a need.

Board of Directors: We are happy to announce that we have a full seven-member board of directors. Our newest members are Dan Finwall and Jim Graziosi. Please welcome them. Together with Charles Duffy, Betty Warrick, Charlie Shaughnessy, Debbie Ezzo, and Isabel Trivigno.

New Residents: We have a number of new residents in our community, and I would like to welcome them all to paradise. I am working on updating our very outdated 2021 directory. Please be kind enough to complete the Owner Information forms sent to you each year and return them to the office.

Summer Birthday: Summer Birthday gathering, hosted by Jacqui May, June 15th 4-8 pm for friends and neighbors. All are welcome to attend. Some appetizers will be provided, and attendees are welcome to byob and a snack to share.

Hurricane Season: June 1 marks the beginning of the 2024 hurricane season. Are you prepared? Click here to access our Cedar Pointe Village Six Hurricane Preparedness Plan also accessible on the front page of our website. As a reminder, when a hurricane warning is issued, nothing can be left outside, including chairs, tables, planters, bikes, door hangings.  IF during the final preparations by our staff, anything is outside, it will be disposed of.

CPV6 Website: Did you know that you can complete a Unit Owner’s Request Form (UORF) and a Work Order Request online via our website’s owner’s page? Click here to access our website. Click on Owner’s Page, if prompted to enter a password, enter pointe2020

Click on the box for either a UORF or Work Order, complete the form and click submit. It is delivered to the office email inbox.

Is a Permit Needed?:  Martin County requires a permit be pulled for the following work: a/c replacement; hot water heater replacement; ALL electrical work or moving electrical; windows; hurricane shutters; new or replacement doors. For more information, please call the Martin County Building Department at 772-288-5916 or click here to visit their website.

Make sure you receive all association communications by making sure the office has your correct email address.  You can do this by sending an email to Terry Jamison, our office manager at asking her to update your email address. 



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