The Villager Edition 8

Main Electrical Panel Installations:
Bradford Electric has received the parts to begin installation of the main electrical panels. We are waiting on a schedule from them once they receive
the required permits from Martin County and schedule from FPL. Keep your eyes open for emails and posting on your building bulletin boards for schedules. We will be  providing 2 weeks notice, once we get the clear to start.
Before you leave your unit:
1. shut off your air conditioner;
2. empty your refrigerator and freezer.
NOTE: Your building will not have electricity for 5-7 days.
• Blue Stream hosted a Town Hall meeting for Village 6 residents on July 30th

. We had a successful onsite in-
person registration August 5th – August 9th. Out of towners may call 772-217-5233 a couple weeks before you come south for the winter to register and get your installation date. You must register to obtain an installation date for your

Understanding Service and Emotional Support Animals: We understand that the introduction of service animals and ESAs can bring changes to our community dynamics. However, it’s crucial to approach these situations with empathy and understanding. We’re committed to fostering a respectful environment where
everyone’s rights and well-being are upheld. Click here for additional information.
The Document Review Committee held a series of meetings this month to review
our community documents and make recommendations for amendments, as well as corresponding changes to our Rules and Regulations and related forms and applications.

The committee was chaired by Mary Sue Bernhardt, with Board Secretary Betty Warrick, Director Debbie Ezzo, Marcia
Svantesson, and Cathi Dorn completing the five-member team.

We want to thank everyone in the community who participated in our survey via SurveyMonkey. In just four days, we received 77 responses!

To briefly summarize the results: the community is strongly in favor of implementing a two-year waiting period before leasing.

However, we’re not quite
ready to allow motorcycles.

The community supports allowing outdoor furniture as long as it’s not a hazard; the Board will discuss this further and decide if any rule changes are necessary.

Based on the strong response rate to the online survey and the technology usage at Cedar
Pointe, we are prepared to move towards online voting. Watch for more information
to come.

Email and the bulletin boards remain the most commonly used methods for receiving news from the association, so we will continue to post important items on the bulletin boards, including this newsletter!

The pool, walking, and socializing poolside
are the most popular recreational activities
at Cedar Pointe. Even if you don’t swim, don’t let that keep you away—bring a beverage in a non-glass container, take a
seat, and enjoy the fresh air and good company!

Some residents have requested things we already have! The equipment for the shuffleboard court and cornhole is in the
cabinet alongside the courts. The clubhouse is also available to reserve for events. Please check the Rules and Regulations for more details.

Insurance was a hot topic, with over 55 respondents expressing interest in attending an insurance town hall. We will be scheduling this with insurance brokers
before the end of the year.

In the coming weeks, the Board will be taking action on the recommendations made by the committee. We will then reach out to the community to ratify the changes with your vote. Stay tuned!

Make sure you receive all association communications by making sure the office has your correct email address.  You can do this by sending an email to Terry Jamison, our office manager at asking her to update your email address. 



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