The Villager Edition 10

Board Meetings: Our board meetings are held on the fourth (4th) Thursday (except holidays) of each month. All board meetings are posted 48 hours prior to the meeting on the main bulletin board in the clubhouse and a courtesy posting on each building bulletin board near the mailboxes. 

Main Electrical Panel Installations: Bradford Electric has completed the main electrical panel replacement in buildings 115, 108, 107 and 106.  Buildings 101 and 113 are scheduled for the week of February 10th and buildings 109 & 110 the week of February 17th.  This process is going slower than expected due to scheduling conflicts with FPL. I will post notices as soon as I have confirmation. 

Before you leave your unit: 

  1. Empty your refrigerator and freezer. NOTE: Your building will not have electricity for 4-5 days.
  2. Shut off your air conditioner at the thermostat AND the breaker; 
  3. Leave an emergency name and phone number on your kitchen counter in case of emergency


2025 Budget: The board approved the new 2025 budget at the November board meeting. The monthly maintenance fees beginning January 2025 are as follows:

Double Unit $1,018.00

2 Bed Inside Unit $634.00

2 Bed Corner Unit $627.00

1 Bed Unit $460.00

Copies of the 2025 budget and maintenance fees are available in the office.


Women’s Club:  The Women’s Club remains busy and in full swing. Check the bulletin board for upcoming events. On December 9th they hosted a lovely, attended luncheon at The Dolphin Bar & Shrimp House. The Christmas dinner was on December 21st and a New Year’s Eve pool party and dinner with music by DJ Tony on December 31st.  The new year has brought a luncheon at Lures on Jan. 13th, an Italian themed Welcome Back party on the Jan. 18th. Their fundraising efforts bought the new grill at the clubhouse too. 



  • A resident was walking downtown near the waterfront and witnessed an elderly man being harassed by two teens. Please be aware of your surroundings and if possible don’t go alone.
  • We have a lot of walkers at Cedar Pointe from all of the villages. PLEASE practice safety. When walking at night, wear bright or white clothing or put reflective appliques on your clothing. Also, please carry a flashlight or turn on the flashlight on your phone. There has been a couple close calls of walkers almost being hit.


Air Conditioners: Our Rules and Regulations state: The air conditioning unit must be inspected and/or serviced annually with proof of compliance, such as a paid bill, to be made available to the Association Office upon request.  During this inspection/service, the unit’s common drainpipe shall be blown or vacuumed out to prevent algae from forming.  Failure to do this may result in a water back-up into your and your neighbor’s unit. (CLASS B FINE) 

To keep a/c units working and the lines clean and clear, you should be putting a cup of white vinegar or bleach down the line every month. This keeps the line clean and clear from fungus and algae. I have been told to alternate each month between white vinegar and bleach. 

No Power: A resident shared this item he found at Peter’s Hardware Store formerly Ace Hardware. This operates on 3 AAA batteries and is very bright. These run about $7 – $8 each. Similar item at  Harbor Freight for $3.00


Parking: REMINDER every unit is provided with ONE assigned parking space and must not park for more than 30 minutes for loading or unloading in a Guest Space. 


Waste Dumpsters: It is very important to remember that the dumpsters are for garbage waste only. Your kitchen sink, old furniture, cabinets, appliances, etc., DO NOT GO IN or NEAR OUR DUMPSTERS. 

So far in 2025 we have found a bicycle and flat screen television at our dumpsters. 

How do you properly dispose of a TV in Stuart? Answer:

You can dispose of a TV in Stuart, Florida at the City of Stuart Municipal Solid Waste Complex E-Waste Recycling Center.

  • Located at the City of Stuart Municipal Solid Waste Complex, behind Stuart Middle School. E-Waste Recycling Center is outside the fence on Georgia Avenue (behind Stuart Middle School).
  • Open 24 hours
  • City residents and businesses can drop off electronics at their convenience. 


Sewer System: We have an aging sewer system. Please be very aware of what you are putting down the drains into our sewer system.


This article is taken from the City Government Info Bits (October 2024) 772-288-5317

Flushable Wipes…What they do to your pipes: 

Consider Before You Dispose: The Reality About “Flushable” Wipes

Many products on the market tout themselves as “flushable”, but the reality is often quite different. All wipes and disposable cleaning products should go in the trash, not the toilet.

As disposable wipes have surged in popularity, so have reports of expensive sewage clogs. Companies label their wipes as “flushable” or “safe for sewer and septic systems,” yet independent testing often tells a different story. Compounding the issue is that flushable wipes look and function similarly to non-flushable options, like baby wipes or facial wipes, which are explicitly marked as not meant for flushing. Consumers may mistakenly believe that if flushable wipes exist, then their non-flushable counterparts can be flushed too. Unfortunately, both types contribute to sewer blockages. So, the next time you consider flushing that “flushable” wipe, take a moment to heed our advice: PLEASE KEEP THE WIPES OUT OF THE PIPES!

Your kitchen drain and garbage disposal needs tender loving care as well. Below is a “SHORT LIST” of items that create havoc with our sewer system.

Not Safe to Put Down Your Kitchen Drain

What’s Happening in Other Villages?

  • Village 1-5 – Build Your Own Sundae 2/14 @ 6:30 om
  • Village 7 – Pancake Breakfast 2/8 @ 8 am
  • Village 7 – Valentine’s Party 2/14, Tickets are $15.00 and go on sale Friday 2/7
  • Village 8 – Pancake Breakfast 2/15 at 8 am
  • Village 8 Bazaar on 3/8


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